It’s no secret that the future of organisations is employee-centric.
Leaders are fast realising that it serves them to put their employees first.
When employee satisfaction and well-being are a top priority, individuals and teams are happier at work. And happy workers are the reason for happy customers.
Organisations cannot succeed without the hard work and dedication of their employees. That being the case, it’s critical that companies invest in resources to ensure their workers feel taken care of, in every respect.
So, where do we start?
Why the Whole Human being?
Famous writer Annie Dillard said:
“How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives.”
If the average person spends 90,000 hours working over their lifetime, this leaves us with a growing need to ensure that we look forward to waking up and going to work every day.
In his TEDx talk, Mark Robbins stresses that for us to be fulfilled, we need to be able to bring our whole selves to work. All of who we are. All our skills, aspirations, dreams and desires, fears, doubts and insecurities.
Today’s workforces are becoming more complex than ever, comprising of multiple types of workers stemming from multi-generations and residing in global locations.
To increase employee wellbeing as well as organisational success, organisations are going to have to start accommodating the diverse pool of talent and growing millennial and Gen Z representation in organisations.
This will involve leadership having an employee-first mentality. But they cannot achieve this unless they are concerned with all aspects of the employee.
The HR360 Way
The HR360 Ltd model – The Five Pulse Model – has been developed as a guide towards a more balanced, integrative employee experience, which we’ve found, inevitably leads to greater profit, productivity, and performance in organisations.
To compliment these 3 P’s, we’ve come up with a 4th – a pulse.
Organisations typically use pulse surveys to gain insight into the health of a company. These surveys are used to create more engaged employees.
While engagement is an important metric for leadership, it’s only one part of the bigger picture.
We’ve taken this pulse to the next level.
For us, pulse implies vitality and is used as a measure of an organisation’s liveliness. It is no longer good enough to focus on a single aspect of human nature to understand how employees can achieve their potential and enable an organisation’s success.
In much the same way as the body needs to maintain homeostasis for optimum health and functioning, so too does an organisation require balance to perform at its best.
An organisation can only be balanced when its employees are holistically supported – in an emotional, physical, spiritual, mental and agile respect.
By developing the whole human inside your organisation, you can turn those 90 000 days into the best days of an employee’s life – thereby helping an organisation achieve, greater profit, productivity and performance.
It starts by asking the right questions:
Emotional Pulse
How safe do employees feel? Do your employees want to build relationships with colleagues?
Mental Pulse
Are employee’s technical capabilities being used to their fullest extent? Are employees being pushed beyond their boundaries to achieve?

Agility Pulse
Are employees able to respond quickly and efficiently to internal and external change? Are employees given flexibility to work in remote locations?
Physical Pulse
Are employees’ physical and financial well-being been taken care of? Does the organisation’s design facilitate the wellbeing of employees?
Spiritual Pulse
Does the employee’s work benefit local and global society? Do employees feel like they are doing work that’s meaningful?
For more advice and support on anything people related, please feel free to email us on [email protected] or book a discovery call here.
You can also find out how to improve the health status of your organisation by getting in touch for a free audit of your company.
Schedule a free call below and speak to one of our consultants.